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Jason McIver

A Javascript developer excited about Meteor, Mongo, React and Node.



A student achievement and merit tracking system for schools where student and house points are a calculated throughout the year.
This complete rebuild of the old solution at Parkwood Secondary College provided many insights into past and current year performance on a per house and student level.
Completely automated providing milestone activations and end of year results.
Widgets provided a copy and paste solution for inserting live scores and performance statistics into the schools intranet website.

  • CakePHP
  • MySQL
  • jQuery
  • CSS

RA Herbal tea

Product showcase for Herbal blends Pty Ltd and online ordering via Paypal.

  • Wordpress
  • CSS

MEAN stack

A personal project learning to develop a MEAN stack SPA with a modern workflow.
A vistor who places an order and also recieves live feedback while the order passes through differnet stages in the kitchen and delivery (inspired by Domino's Pizza tracker).
Node and Express is used as a RESTful API backend handling most transactions while provided live status changes.
This combination of technology offered a stable, secure and testable backend while the frontend provided realtime updates to the user.

  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • Angular
  • Node.js
  • Bootstrap
  • Mongoose
  • ui-Router
  • Restangular
  • Bower
  • Grunt
  • LESS