Apple TV enclosure

The client required a solution intergrating an Apple TV and HDMI switch with their conference room AV system. If you've ever picked up an Apple TV you'll notice how round and sexy it is but unfortunately this possess a challenge if you need to secure the device against light hands. A quick scribble on Google SketchUp and 5 hours of print time allowed a solution to house the equipment securly und…

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The alert box consists of an Freetronics Etherten (Arduino Uno clone) with an LCD display shield wrapped in a 3D printed enclosure. This provides the ability to read JSON or XML feeds from the internet and display digitally on an LCD screen. An analog notification was added by squeezing in a servo which raises a flag from the rear. This has also been proven to attract nearby cats. Source: T…

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Markdown cheatsheet

Headers # H1 ## H2 ### H3 H1 H2 H3 styles *Italics* **Bold** ***Italics Bold*** <del>Strikethrough</del> Italics Bold Italics Bold Underline Strikethrough There is no underline Quote > this is a quote this is a quote lists Dot points - Milk - Bread Milk Bread Numbered list It doesn't matter what numbers you use, they'll be numbered in order written. 2. Brush teeth 1.…

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Mongo query deep array

Being a document database Mongo is great at storing your data in a pre-joined fashion. To complement this Mongo provides an interesting way of querying this data structure. Here is an example structure used for a small Flashcard memory app. It provides decks with many cards - each card with many single popquizzes the user can perform at anytime. Quizzes are similar to popquizes but force the user…

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